
Sunday, 20 December 2009

Welcome to my new blog!!

For the last two years I've been writing a blog called The Craft Cafe ( which was hosted by a fabulous website called

But it's now time for me to move on and do my own blog, my way, so here it is.

I've been shortlisting hundreds of names, deciding what to call it. My original blog was called 'The Craft Cafe' as I've always wanted to open one. It would be a place where people can pop along, have a cuppa and slice of cake, hire a sewing machine, make stuff, buy craft materials, flick through craft books, do a short course, meet crafty folk and generally have a lovely time. I still think i'll do it one day.

But for now, it's a shock to discover that practically every 'blogspot' name I thought of was already taken! I still had 30 to pick from though, Choosing between the top 3 was especially hard but I settled for the one that said the most about me 'cos i like making stuff.'

So in the blog I'll be writing about making: what i'm making, what I want to make, what others are making and just making in general. I have no idea how often I'll do it and whether or not I'll slip up and start writing about other stuff I like, i.e. bollywood, but we'll see. For now though, it's Sunday morning, I have a cuppa in hand, dressing gown still on and I'm going to find some other blogs I want to start following : )

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you on blogger, it makes it easy for me to follow you :0)
