
Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Snowy day reading

It's a wee late, but the Craftzine I edit is finally available online as a lovely full colour pdf. The printed version is black and white comes with a free teabag to keep you warm on a snowy day like today.

I'm pleased to report the zine survived it's first year with four seasonal issues, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

I felt inspired to set it up after attending a 'Zinefest' at The Women's Library.

Zines are independently published, not for profit publications about anything. They are usually photocopied. Back in the day, a lot of people used to write fanzines about their favourite bands and that's how I got into publishing aged 12. I used to review music, and gigs that I had never even attended!!

Over 15 years later, here I am running my own zine. One of the great things about a zine is that there are no rules so they can be as unconventional as you like. I've seen them in all shapes and sizes, including mini ones and fold out leaflets.

Traditionally zines are printed and this one is printed too. In the beginning there was some uproar from contributors about this but I've stuck to what I believe in. Somethings should be kept and flicked through over time and a zine is one of them!

This year I'm looking to change the format in someway to make 'Year 2' a bit more interesting. It's currently A5 and bound by yarn but it would be nice to do something different.

I'm always in need of contributors so if you'd like to send something in for the Spring 201o get in touch and I'll send you the details.

For now, get yourself a cuppa and see what's inside.
Print versions are also still available for £1 from Folksy.

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