
Wednesday, 2 November 2011

First sign of wrinkles? : (

Lesser spotted me with no make-up!

So it has finally happened. With just over a month to go until I turn 31 I have joined the camp of women obsessed with lines and wrinkles and the fear of starting to look ‘old’. I took this snap on Monday, I know, I don’t look old, but on close inspection, my face is changing. Most visibly my neck.
For someone obsessed with cream from a young age (believe it or not, I have creams for my face, eyes, nose, hands, feet, body…but none for my neck!). I don’t know why, but I seemed to have ignored it most of my life. Then a couple of months ago I saw a photo of me where all of a sudden my neck had taken over; it was unrecognisable. I’ve never had a relationship with my neck, it’s normally covered by scarves and necklaces but there is was, speaking to me and it said ‘you need to start looking after me!’

Is my chin drooping?

So, I decided I would buy my first ever anti-ageing product. A HUGE step for anyone. I went to my local Boots and for about 10 minutes wondered up and down the ‘mature skin’ aisle. Until eventually a shop assistant came up to me and said ‘these creams aren’t for you, they are for older women’. And she pointed at the neighbouring aisle. So I turned around and said to her ‘but I’m 30.’ And she immediately said, ‘oh’ and then showed me how the range was split into creams for women who are in their 30s, 40s and 50s. So I was in the right aisle after all…
I came home empty handed. I couldn’t get my head around the concept let alone the product. I’m a strong, independent woman who doesn’t care what anyone thinks about her. I certainly don’t have any insecurities about people thinking I wear too much make-up (I love it!), at certain times of the month I could even pass as pregnant, but again I’m not bothered if someone things that. I am however affected by my own opinions of myself. So if I feel in anyway unhappy in how I look, it starts to reflect on other aspects of my life. And so I knew if I didn’t take action about how I was feeling about my neck, other parts of me may begin to suffer.

Rescue remedy

I settled for a well-known brand of a product that sounded like it was made for me: Elemis Pro-Collagen Lifting Treatment Neck and Bust. (Note the neck word.)
It is ‘clinically proven to reduce skin crepiness by up to 33% and increase firmness by up to 17%, which will minimise the signs of ageing for a more youthful looking neck.’ On first reading this made me laugh…I had never heard of the word crepiness (and yes it does so easily sound like creepiness!)

Nice bottle!
On second inspection I loved the bottle. It has a neat space-age look about it and I especially like the fact you can track how much you have left.
Here goes!
As for using it; I’ve been applying it twice a day for the last month. It smells very clean and creamy, possibly because it contains royal jelly; it also has that kind of yellowish colour. The instructions don’t say how much to use, so I’m not sure whether I should be applying a really thick layer or whether it’s more about the way you massage it in upwards. Certainly massaging in an upwards action is a good thing, and it worth doing with any cream being applied to this area.
For now, the results seem to be more ‘prevention’, than reduction. I mean there isn’t really anything to reduce. I am experiencing ‘the first signs of ageing’ and instinct is telling me I must act which is why I've taken this step. Luckily, I’m enjoying using the cream. It’s added a whole new dimension to my beauty routine and I feel like I'm finally giving my neck the attention it deserves, having neglected it for far too long.

Shop for Elemis anti-ageing products at (it beats wondering the scary beauty aisles of department stores!)


  1. you look so youthful! i am in my early 40's and have noticed so many changes in my looks, especially highlighted by having a 13yr old daughter. ageing is a tricky one... to embrace or fight? i fear my neck has 'gone' already. i do like the work 'crepiness', presumably from 'crepe' the french for pancake.. so yes a good incentive to purchase the cream to overt a pancake wrinkled neck!
    enjoy wearing it as part of your beauty rituals.
    ginny x

  2. Yes it is the true thing that all the woman's are really feared to look old and they always wants to look younger and shinier and for maintaining this glow they takes the help of plastic surgery and anti aging cream...More Info
