
Thursday, 18 October 2012

#IMAPiece: The Craftivist Jigsaw Project for Save The Children

I stitched this on Tuesday night. 
People often ask me why I'm so positive and it's because this is my motto. 
Every single person on the planet has dreams, ambitions and hopes...and holding on to them is what makes life pleasurable. 
No matter how big or small, every second we put into thinking we shouldn't give up, is a second towards 'achieving.'
The Craftivist Jigsaw Project is also about not giving up...its aim is to support Save The Children's Race Against Hunger Campaign to put an end to the fact that millions of people, including children still go to bed hungry every night : (
The charity have invited 4 of the UK's leading Crafty ambassadors to front the campaign which is asking crafters all over the country to stitch a piece of a fabric jigsaw to show that they are 'A Piece' of the change that will make the world a better place.

Next year is the G8 Summit and Save The Children and The Campaign are asking world leaders to put eradicating hunger at the top of their list. Their method is to present thousands of stitched jigsaw pieces to show that UK Crafters care, and want to make a difference. 
Every single person can get involved. All you need to do is download a template of the jigsaw, stitch on your message and send it to The Craftivists where Sarah will collate them.
There are NO EXCUSES not to do this as the closing date is March so it's the perfect Christmas crafting activity.

Next month Sarah, Jamie, Lauren and Hilary as going to Indonesia with Save The Children to experience some of their projects and report back. This may sound bizarre, but like celebs often go on charity trips, bloggers too can have a positive impact on spreading awareness of campaigns and while they are away they'll be keeping blogs and diaries of their discoveries, inspiring us back home to get involved.

The launch of the campaign took place at a special Save The Children charity shop in Primrose Hill and was attended by a host of bloggers (including mysefl!)
We were all given a pack to help us create a piece of the jigsaw.
Inside were fabric, instructions, a needle and thread.
I stitched my message at the event but will glitter it up at home (obviously!) before giving it to The Craftivists.

I have never liked being told what to do and I dislike it when people insist on what you should and shouldn't do. But this campaign is different.
It's the first time the UK Craft Community have been given an actual voice - it takes us seriously, appreciates us as people whose opinions matters - not just mad hobbyists!
That's why I think it's an opportunity we should not miss out on.
You don't need to spend any money - you just need to stitch a jigsaw piece or two, either on your own or with friends.
The satisfaction afterwards is something you can really be proud of.
Find out more about how to get involved:
Deadly Knitshade (Lauren O'Farrell)'s blog
Hilary Pullen's blog
Mr X Stitch (Jamie Chalmers) blog:
Sarah Corbett (The Craftivists) (you can download the jigsaw template from this link.)

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